In English

DTS (Diakonian tutkimuksen seura) is a Finnish Association for Research on Diaconia

It is an inter-disciplinary scientific association for promoting high-quality, phenomenon-based research on diaconia.

DTS organizes annually a one-day conference on current topics in diaconia. During the conference the association announces the receiver for the Sivellin award, granted annually for a distinguished thesis on the field of study of diaconia.

For more information please contact the chair of DTS, Dr. Suvi Saarelainen, In regards of membership matters please contact Ms. Ilona Kontinen,

The association publishes the Journal for the Study of Diaconia, which is a biannually released, peer-reviewed journal. Languages of the journal are Finnish, Swedish and English. For articles in English please see e.g. issues 2/2011 and 3/2015. The latest issue of the Journal for the Study of Diaconia is available here.

For more information please contact editor-in-chief, professor Heikki Hiilamo: heikki.hiilamo(at)

Technical guidelines for the Journal in Diaconal Research in English can be accessed through the following link: